These terms and conditions apply to every consultation of the website of Leadership Club vzw. The visitor expressly accepts these provisions by simply consulting this website. This website may not be consulted if the visitor does not accept these provisions. Leadership Club vzw can always unilaterally change the provisions of the disclaimer without prior notice. The pages of this website have a purely informative value.
Limitation of liability
Unless required by law, Leadership Club vzw (nor its directors, employees, contractors, ... acting on behalf of Leadership Club vzw) gives no guarantees concerning the safety, correctness and completeness of the information that is offered via this website. Therefore Leadership Club vzw (including its directors, employees, contractors, ... acting on behalf of Leadership Club vzw) disclaims all liability for direct and indirect damages resulting from access to, consultation or use of the information, data and publications on the website. The visitor remains fully liable for the consequences of the use of this information.
It is the intention that the website can almost always be consulted, except during periods of technical and content maintenance or repair of defects. Leadership Club vzw cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the unavailability of the website or parts thereof, from limitations in use, etc.
In case this website contains hyperlinks to websites of third parties, the visitor has the right to visit these websites at his own responsibility as they are not under Leadership Club vzw's control. Leadership Club vzw gives no guarantees as to the security or completeness level of these sites. Leadership Club vzw cannot be held liable for any negative consequences or any kind of damage suffered by the visitor as a result of the use of the hyperlinks.
Intellectual property rights
The intellectual property rights on the website, the logos, the information, ... belong to Leadership Club vzw. Copying, adapting or modifying part or all of this website in any form or manner whatsoever, without the express permission of Leadership Club vzw is prohibited. Infringements will be prosecuted civilly and criminally. Leadership Club vzw grants the visitor of this site permission to copy, print out and use the consulted data on the condition that these data are used purely for informative purposes for the visitor, and with the exclusion of any further duplication, distribution, commercialization or exploitation among third parties.
Applicable law and competent courts.
Any disputes relating to the provisions of this disclaimer shall be governed by Belgian law and fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the district of East Flanders, Ghent Division.